Terms and conditions

You are welcome to the MahaCareerMitra platform accessible at the URL: https://kshomoeopathicmedicalcollege.com/. The user is advised to study the Terms and Conditions for the MahaCareerMitra because those who agree with the MahaCareerMitra terms and conditions can use the MahaCareerMitra services and others should not use the services of MahaCareerMitra.



MahaCareerMitra uses cookies and those users who are using the services of MahaCareerMitra obey the cookies. The cookies on a website make the user interface interactive for the user. The cookies will be stored on the user’s web browser from the MahaCareerMitra website. The advertising partner on the MahaCareerMitra may also have cookies.
The license of MahaCareerMitra owns the intellectual property right that does not allow the user to republish the articles from MahaCareerMitra, you can not resell the articles from MahaCareerMitra, to duplicate the articles is not allowed at MahaCareerMitra, and the redistribution of content at MahaCareerMitra is also not allowed. The comments on the MahaCareerMitra do not show the viewpoint of MahaCareerMitra. The MahaCareerMitra has the full right over the comments, we can delete the comment of any user at any time. Comments of the users should not have any offensive or unlawful material, comments on MahaCareerMitra can not be used for promotion of business.


Hyperlinking to our Content

MahaCareerMitra may have contained hyperlinks to the posts that are published on the website. That hyperlink will lead the user to another web platform. The MahaCareerMitra will be responsible for the terms and conditions of the MahaCareerMitra website only. But when a user uses the hyperlink of the third party and goes to their website. Then, the terms and conditions will be for the third-party website. All the users are guided to check the terms and conditions for the other websites before using their services.



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Content Liability

You consent to defend and protect MahaCareerMitra against all lawsuits that are ensuing on your Site. No links ought to show up on any Site that might be translated as diminishing, indecent, or criminal, or which disobeys, in any case, indifference, or sponsors the encroachment or other breach of, any outsider rights.


Reservation of Rights

MahaCareerMitra can request the user to remove the links to the MahaCareerMitra website. When the request for removal of the link is sent to you by MahaCareerMitra, you have to follow the request immediately. If a person continuously links the MahaCareerMitra website, he will agree to the linking terms and conditions.


Removal of links from our website

If a person finds any link on MahaCareerMitra that is harsh, in that case, you are welcome to contact MahaCareerMitra. We will check your request to remove the links but we do not guarantee that it can be removed immediately or you get notified after the removal of the link. The information on MahaCareerMitra can not be said as 100% accurate and also we can not guarantee that an article that is up to date today will be up to date forever.